FREE Transportation provided for Mystic, Stonington, North Stonington and Westerly residents, age 60 and over for shopping, medical and beauty appointments. Call (860) 599-3285 ext. 15, at least 48 hours prior.
The towns of Bozrah, East Lyme, Griswold, Groton, Ledyard, Lisbon, New London, North Stonington, Stonington, Preston, Salem and Waterford collaborate with the Eastern Connecticut Transportation Consortium and the CT Department of Transportation to expand transportation services to individuals age 60 and over and disabled adults. The annual fee is $24.
GoGo Grandparent -Use Lyft or Uber without a smartphone. The fee is $0.27 per minute above the cost of the Uber or Lyft service. Available everywhere in the US and Canada where there are drivers.
Senior Centers
These are external links to local area senior centers where you can find more information.
East Lyme, Griswold, Groton, Lisbon, Lyme, Old Lyme, Montville, New London, Norwich, Preston
Ledyard, Pawcatuck/Stonington/Mystic, North Stonington, Westerly